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Better Life Physical Therapy And Wellness


Phone (5XX) XXX-XXXX
Address 3944 Florida Blvd #103,
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 United States


We help active adults get back to the activities they love as QUICKLY as possible. The Better Life Approach finds and treats the root cause of your chronic pain to help you return to the activities you love fast without surgery, injections, pain medications, and unnecessary PT sessions. If you have chronic pain and have struggled to find help, look no further. We are known as "last chance PTs" because we understand how to effectively treat you. Our team consists of leading physical therapy doctors, massage therapists, elite-level strength coaches, and muscle and joint pain specialists, whose state-of-the-art, trailblazing approach to chronic pain treatment will be taught to other PTs 20-30 years from now. We see ONE patient at a time.

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