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Bug Guys Pest Control


Phone (760) 565-1203
Address 75178 Gerald Ford Dr,

Palm Desert, CA 92211 United States


Bug Guys Pest Control proudly provides pest control and extermination services in The Coachella Valley. With over 20+ years experience we've helped over 20,000 homeowners manage and exterminate their pest problems. The Bug Guys Pest Control specialize in pest and termite control, rodent control, bee control and live animal trapping. We are fully licensed and insured and have decades of years of experience under our belt. Our pest control services include the removal of invasive species such as roaches, scorpions, spiders, crickets, and ants. Unfortunately for the locals in Coachella Valley, black widows spiders, scorpions, and crickets are very common in our area. The Bug Guys Pest Control of Coachella Valley understand the behaviors of these pests and can execute the proper extermination process for effective and efficient control.

Our reputation for a fast response time is widely known throughout the Coachella Valley Area. The Bug Guys Pest Control guarantees a one hour call back window for all inquiries for service calls. These are always free callbacks offering knowledgeable insight regarding your pest problem, unlike some other pest control companies in the area who charge for these calls. The Bug Guys Pest Control distinguishes itself from the competition because we offer monthly packages for pest control, rodent control bee control and live animal trapping. Our customers can choose between monthly packages, bimonthly, quarterly, or even design a custom extermination package depending on the size of their problem.

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