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Varsity Termite and Pest Control


Phone (602) 753-0453
Address 4527 E. Exeter Blvd,
Phoenix, AZ 85018 United States


Exterminator in Phoenix - - When you call Varsity Termite and Pest Control you're getting a local exterminator who has been serving the Greater Phoenix area for over 20 years.

Our goal is to rid your home of pests, period. We do our very best to provide quality pest control service and five star customer satisfaction.
We have the experience and the skills to back up our claims. We've been exterminators for more than 20 years.

When you need a Phoenix exterminator call us any day of the week. Varsity Termite and Pest Control Phoenix is the exterminator you call when you have termite and other pest infestations that an ordinary exterminator cannot fix.

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